Monday, June 28, 2010

Floating Along

Yes, there seems to be a continuing theme of water the last few weeks - but it is summer, after all, so this unintentional repetition seems appropriate!

I will admit, this photo was not even my idea but rather a request from my "traveling companion" for the day. I figured, "cute picture with some ducks floating along" but after a second look I realized there is so much more! Each duck is doing something different, much like you would see if a group of people walked by, indicative of its own "personality". The middle two ducks have their heads under water - either trying to cool off from the heat that seemed to stifle the air that afternoon or just hide from the camera. (How many times do people try to hide from the camera, making he/she look more ridiculous than before?) The next duck in line appears to be doing its own thing without a care in the world. He/she could be taking a different approach to cooling off - exert as little energy as possible. The last group of three seems to be simply following along at a much slower pace, possibly enjoying the scenery a little more.

When I took this picture, I was so wrapped up in trying to avoid the sun (which was almost impossible to do) and making sure the "subject was framed properly" that I paid little attention to what my "subject" was doing. Looking back at the photo allowed me an opportunity to see each duck separately and recognize its uniqueness: some ducks flap their wings in the water, while others bury their whole body under water with just a tail sticking out; some choose to waddle along the rocks and sand, while others appear to be "running" as their webbed feet flail beneath the water. Each one of them has a different way of doing things and much like "people watching" it's fun to see what a particular duck might do next.

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Filling in the Blank...

Does any part of this photo look familiar? Hopefully it fills in the missing piece from last week - the rest of the lake! As I thought more about the close-up image that I shared, I figured maybe I should post a picture of the whole lake - maybe people would be interested in taking a look.

As you can see, a large portion of the water is covered by what will soon be white lilies; they spread well beyond the corner you were able to see last week.

I mentioned previously how I spent quite a bit of time on the water's edge taking pictures because I thought the view was so amazing. Every direction I turned I found another image worthy of being captured in a photo. I enjoyed how reflective the water was - it looked as though the surface had been replaced with a huge mirror. The few minutes I spent taking pictures rejuvenated me, reminding me why I chose this profession: I always loved finding an amazing site to videotape and then share with others. Sometimes you get so overloaded with work that even if you love your job it still feels like "work". At that moment there was no "work" involved....I was loving every minute and every picture that I took.

I stood there thinking how fantastic it would be to wake up everyday, look out your window, and find a similar, amazing view. Imagine how quickly my video archive or photo album would be filled up? I would have enough fill the blog for an entire year!

So what do you think?

Did this lily-filled body of water live up to its expectations?

All I have to do is look at the stack of pictures I took and know that it did for me.

That's the Golden Perspective...what's your?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Maybe a Little Too Close?

Are you grossed out? I hope not, because the lake at which this picture was taken was absolutely beautiful. As I drove by one day on my way to a shoot, I was absolutely mesmerized. Unfortunately, I did not have time to stop since I had to be at my shoot, but as I passed by on the way home the sun was still in a great position, with the lake as peaceful as earlier in the day! After telling you how beautiful the lake looked why choose a close-up picture of the lily pads and algae? Well, from far away you would miss the details you are able to enjoy in this photo...and yes, I mean the algae intertwined with the lilies! I'll let you use your imagination for the rest of the lake.

I stood on the lake shore amazed at everything that was living and growing under the water. Lilly pads always seem to intrigue me because they just sit so peacefully on the surface. What are they attached to? How does something grow without anything solid underneath? As you can see, the water was full of pads, but unfortunately, they were not all blooming yet. I have a feeling in a few weeks the lake will be full of gentle, white flowers.

My attention eventually turned to the algae. Normally, I would associate "funky green stuff" with nasty, brown water but not that sunny, Spring day. Never have I actually stopped and taken a picture of how the unusual organism seems to twist around everything within its reach. Something must have been in the air that day to make me take picture after picture. Maybe it was the sun beating down on the water...maybe the fact that the workday was nearing completion...or maybe, I just suddenly had a new appreciation for algae. Imagine the strength of this green growth to be so tightly secured around a tree branch; or the thickness to prevent any of the lilies from growing up through the middle (well, except that one!?!?). Isn't nature amazing sometimes!

After nearly 20 minutes I forced myself to put the camera away and head back to my car for the trip home. I was not reluctant to go home, I was disappointed to leave the water's edge and the peacefulness of everything that seemed to be growing beyond the surface.

Are you still grossed out? Hopefully not, but if you are let me know and I will try to stay away from "funky green stuff" next time.

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The day I took this picture was absolutely beautiful...just look at the clear blue sky! You would never know it, but this corn field is just ten feet from a major two-lane road, where hundreds of cars travel everyday. I don't drive past everyday but at least two or three times a week; and every time I do I am looking for one thing: deer!

For years, deer have been known to graze through this field and then wander up to the hill in the background to settle in for the night. The amazing thing is, right across the street is a big strip mall with an even bigger one a quarter of a mile up the road!

The first time I saw deer in the field was about 15 years ago and I could not believe it. I figured it was a one-time occurrence, that the animals had somehow wondered the wrong way and wound up so close to the road. Then a few weeks later I saw them (or their friends perhaps!!!) again, but this time there was more. At this point I said to myself, "How could there be that many deer living in this area with so many stores, houses, and traffic close by?" I was informed that deer, apparently, do not need much room to survive and the little hill beyond the clearing would be plenty for a herd.

So after that day, a "tradition" began...I could not drive by this field without taking a quick look to see if there were any deer roaming around. Over the years, the number has increased and you can sometimes see upwards of 20 or 30 at a time. Now I know, this particular day I was not able to capture any of the animals snacking on the young corn (I don't even know - do deer eat corn?) but just imagine for a second a tiny doe prancing across the open space.

Is there something in your neighborhood or along your commute that just seems out of place?

Do you ever wonder how it got there in the first place?

I would guess that these herds of deer are remnants from a time when there were no strip malls or houses in this particular neighborhood - when animals of all kinds had free reign. Somehow, these "natives" have been able to adapt and hold the meantime I enjoy the one out of ten times that I glance over at the field and see a lone deer making its way back towards the trees.

That's the Golden Perspective...what yours?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I don't know about you, but it is not everyday that I see a giant cow on the side of the road. (Although, when I told an acquaintance about the "cow spotting" she replied, 'Oh, that thing, I see it all of the time'.") For me, this sight was a rarity and I felt worthy of sharing. Plus, this cow was seriously almost two stories high!

With the summer season un-officially begun, the time of year for fun and carefree are upon us. How much more fun can you get than a behemoth cow beckoning passersby into a local drive-in? Is anyone else thoroughly entertained, or is it just me? The day I spotted the giant cow I was a bit frazzled and desperate for something to lighten the mood. It was one of those days when I did not feel like working and was trying to garner some enthusiasm for what lay ahead...then I drove by this cow! I started laughing hysterically and immediately pulled over to send a picture to some family members (so yes, this photo isn't entirely new to everyone!!?!)

I cannot profess any aesthetic purpose for this photo or speak much of it's composition...but that's O.K. My intention for sharing the picture was to put a smile on your face and have you say, "I wish I could pass a giant, plastic cow on the side of the road!" Sometimes you need to put aside all of the formality of work and revel in the absurdities of everyday life. One stressful morning that is exactly what I did: I was in need of a distraction and most certainly found it a giant bovine.

What kind of crazy stuff have you ever passed on the side of the road?

If you didn't stop, how tempted were you to pull over a snag a picture?

Don't ever pass up a great photo opp because it might seem too silly!

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?