Friday, January 27, 2012

Giving the Best You

Have you ever found yourself standing in the middle of a room, in complete awe of your surroundings, and not knowing where to look first?  As I entered into this "indoor courtyard" I was in total amazement.  Somehow designers were able to create an indoor space with the look and feel of being in the courtyard of a southwestern or Spanish villa!

Every direction in which I looked there was a different piece of artwork adorning the wall, tile mosaics on pillars, ornate lighting...the list goes on.  Several times I had to stop and remind myself that I was standing inside during the middle of a cold January instead of outside on a bright sunny, summer day.  When I looked through the window, though, and saw piles of snow I was quickly reminded!  I was enjoying this room so much I didn't even want to leave - and if not for my next appointment I would have stayed a little longer.

How much care was taken when designing this building to give visitors a unique, unforgettable experience?  As a business owner I can relate to that sentiment.

If you, too, are a business owner what can you do to ensure your customers receive the best experience possible...something they will not forget for a long time?

What can you offer that is completely unexpected, but completely "you"?

After a few minutes of basking in the sunshine of this Southwestern excursion, I had to re-enter the realities of a Northeastern winter...but with a new found inspiration.

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Do You Do Now?

I suddenly felt old as I passed this playground recently.  Where are the swings and the monkey bars; and what happened to those big domes that you could climb over, under, or through?  Are modern, sleek playgrounds another sign of a "technologically advanced" society?

This was not the first time I had seen this playground, but it was the first time I actually stopped to try and figure it out...and "figure out" is not an exaggeration.  There were odd little stool-type things positioned around these large octagons, some with springs for bouncing while others were secured firmly to the ground.  I stood there wondering if you actually have to be a child to understand what to do on such a playground.  Now, I've always thought of myself as a creative person with a pretty good imagination, but that still didn't help in this situation.  Aside from climbing up these geometric shapes, what else can you really do?  How can you imagine flying through the air without a swing or climbing through and between tall trees without monkey bars?  Have I reached another plateau in my life: the time when there is yet another thing that I don't understand from the younger generation?

Maybe this playground is supposed to be like life: an open slate for you to make of it whatever you wish.  This is your chance to fill the empty space with your own wishes, dreams, goals, and eventually achievements.

Even still, I wish I could do my dreaming on a swing!

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?