While the sign was a little surprising it was a also slightly comforting. When traveling on the road its nice to find solace in familiarity: your favorite restaurant spotted in an unknown city or a song that you like being played on local radio. These things bring a little "piece of home" with you as you travel, and act as a reminder of how much better life is when surrounded by what you enjoy.
In business the same is true and you will also always perform better when you are comfortable:
How much more productive are you when working with friends or people with whom you get along well?
Isn't your office or work space full of pictures or personal artifacts?
Don't you search for the perfect, most comfortable chair since you could potentially be sitting in it for 8 hours a day?
So many times employees and employers lose sight of the importance of being "comfortable" and "happy" while working. When people are in a relaxed environment where they feel free to be themselves and look forward to spending hours everyday they will most certainly be more productive: they will be willing to put in the extra effort to meet specific deadlines on time, share more constructive ideas during brainstorming sessions, or even be a more agreeable co-worker! Sometimes it is not easy to find the co-worker with whom you mesh completely, but when you do the results will be worth the effort.
Everywhere you go be on the lookout for ways to surround yourself with what you know - and enjoy - the most...you may surprise yourself by what you find!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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