One recent, cold morning I came across this duck relaxing ever so quietly in the shade. It was sitting so still I had to look closely to make sure that it was actually alive! On a day when the only thing separating me from frost-bite was a few of the sun's rays, this duck was willingly sitting in the shade. I couldn't believe it - I said to myself, "That duck must have an extra thick coat of feathers. How else could it sit in the looming shadow of a building when the temperature was well below freezing!" Slowly, I crept closer to snap a picture but the duck barely moved. It was hardly concerned that I was encroaching on its territory and practically ignored me.
Then I had a sudden realization: this duck was completely comfortable with its place in life...in the shade of this building and in relation to gawking humans!
Everybody and everything desires its own place in the world and is not satisfied till this specific locale is uncovered. For this particular duck, the shady brick path was the best place to relax early in the morning. I may not understand how or why it could sit on the coldest part of the path, but who am I to question? It was also confident enough in its ability to defend itself that there was no need to squirm or worry as I walked closer. This confidence and self-assurance are ideals that should be practiced by every business professional, no matter the industry. People need to find where they are most comfortable within their career or company and work to achieve that position, no matter what dissenters might say. Once this goal is achieved, they will be much happier, productive workers. At the same time, people should remain confident that they can handle any situation and not be willing to cave to outside intimidation - much like the duck.
In what work environment are you most comfortable?
What role best suites your personality and interests?
Are you satisfied and confident in the work you produce everyday?
What slight changes could be made to make the workday even more enjoyable?
The important thing to remember is that everyone's comfort zone is slightly different. Just like the duck was happy sitting on cold bricks in the shade, you may find joy in an equally, unlikely location - but don't let anyone talk you out of it!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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