I love how bold this statement is while at the same time being a bit subtle. On the surface, crew members are trying to come off as funny or cute with the play on words. After a second I realized, most likely with a smirk, they're pretty much saying, "We're not picky, we'll take anything you don't want to carry away from our restaurant." Let's be honest, isn't that a common sentiment. How often do you put stuff out on the curb for garbage pick-up only to find one of your neighbors came and took it under the cover of darkness? Sometimes people are not picky. It seems these actions are not driven by greed, but rather a lack of concern for quality? In any case...back to the burger counter..."you don't like change filling up your pockets, don't worry, we'll take it off your hands."
I once had a friend who did not like pennies. She just didn't like carrying them in her wallet or purse, and they were more of a nuisance than anything else. One day as we were walking through a parking lot after exiting a store she started to go through the change in her hand and proceeded to drop the pennies on the ground; she couldn't be bothered with such small coins. If only there had been a tip jar at the food store!
I think this brief note is a living example of how, all around us, there are unique twists on everyday life - and you never know what impact that "twist" will have on someone else. One person may have sat down with a piece of paper and marker to create a tip jar but instead provided me with enjoyment and laughter that would go on for minutes...hours...eventually days. Who could anticipate me contemplating the label on a tip jar. Be on the lookout for such little oddities in your town; you never know how long the fun will last.
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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