The whole atmosphere was completely peaceful. There was a light breeze that helped cool off the warm summer air and send the river flowing gently downstream. I was amazed at how green the riverbanks were, especially after all of the record temperatures most areas have experienced this summer. In spite of the heat, the water level also looked fairly high and I thought it was going to spill over the edge of the river overtaking all of the green grass. After a few minutes of gazing my attention turned back to the kayakers...
I started thinking how I would really like to kayak again! I ventured out on the water a couple of summers ago and had a great time. At the end of the season I vowed to go out again, yet as of today I have not gotten any closer to kayaking than walking past an empty boat at the sporting goods store. Unfortunately, the excitement got buried under work responsibilities and other commitments - or favorite restaurants. As I stood watching this small group, and then the other people who joined them a few minutes later, I was reinvigorated to pick up this new hobby! I started thinking about places I could rent a kayak, which friends I could enlist to join me, and how much all of this would cost. Then my thoughts went to the one snag...where would I find the time?
Has there ever been something you wanted to try but it kept getting pushed off because of lack of time?
What made you finally say, "I'm going to make this happen!", and did you eventually follow through?
I wish I could say the next day I made plans to try kayaking once again, but of course I couldn't find the time. I'm not worried though; it is only mid-August and I still have plenty of time before the waters "close" for winter. Now is your chance to resurrect that dream you had back in April, when you became infected with Spring Fever after all of the snow had melted and the grass slowly started turning green...the dream of trying something new this summer. If I can go kayaking you can do...well, whatever you have in mind!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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