This particular day I started out not really enjoying the vast amounts of water that seemed to be flowing down every street. After a few minutes of walking down the sidewalk the water started to soak my shoes and let's be honest, no one really enjoys wet shoes. When I mistakenly stepped off the curb into a big puddle - no, not the one pictured - the water attacked the cuffs of my pants and started to creep up my legs. Wet shoes are bad but I think wet pants are almost worse.
It's funny how once the bottom third of my body was wet I could not wait to get inside, which is usually not the case at all. (Normally, I love to be outside as much as possible even if it's drizzling a little.) I couldn't wait to be in out of the rain so I could dry off for a few minutes before venturing elsewhere later in the day. Unfortunately, I was not always so lucky. Some of the places I stepped into were so crowded that I was constantly bumped up against wet umbrellas or people's soaked rain coats!
Later in the day the clouds broke, the rain stopped falling, and my mood, along with other peoples' that I passed, had changed. It's amazing how once my every step was no longer in a puddle I was not as irritated. I was finally able to look at the lingering puddles and find some enjoyment. At one point I looked to my right, toward the street, and was amazed at what was staring back from alongside the curb: a perfectly clear reflection of the nearby building and tree, mixed in with a slight glimmer of the slowly appearing sunshine. I smiled to myself and thought, "This is the payoff for days of rain!".
When I turned back to look at the building it looked totally different than the reflection I had just captured with my camera.
Isn't is amazing how everything looks so different in a reflection?
Have you ever marveled at how much of the world seems to be reflected from a tiny two-feet long puddle?
Suddenly my "love" of puddles was rejuvenated. They always seem to provide unforgettable pictures, which illustrate the beauty of water: how light can be bounced around endlessly, the variety of views, and the vast expanse of the reflection. Sometimes when glancing at the reflection of a building or tree the object seems to go on forever...
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?