Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How Can You Leave Your Mark?

How often do you think about the best way to leave your mark? People always like to influence business transactions, and parents like to instill certain values or beliefs upon their children...all as a means of making sure an impact has been made on the situation or another person's life. I recently found a fantastic way of ensuring future influence - just don't leave. Look closely at this picture...that is definitely a cornstalk growing in the midst of...something else...anyone know what that is - I think it might be soy? Both sides of this road were blanketed with this mystery crop and every so often you could see a corn stalk growing up through the middle of the other plants.

I can only assume that last year these fields were used for corn but this year, as is customary with farming, a different crop was planted. There was, however, a few stronghold corn seeds that survived the Winter, and tilling of the ground, and were able to germinate this Spring. I've seen this before when a plant grows from seeds that are left over from the previous year, but it still never ceases to amaze me. It wasn't as if nothing happened over the course of the nearly 12 months: Winter pounded snow onto the ground, rain tried to wash everything down the hill, and Springtime brought digging and disturbing of the dirt; but through all of it those corn seeds burrowed down and stayed strong - that's determination!

Driving past this field no one has any doubt that at one time corn covered this entire area and that one day in the very near future the same thing will happen again! The occasional corn stalk sticking up out of the low-lying plants is enough to let passers-by know that this new crop is not the only one that flourishes in the area.

What can you do on a daily basis to leave your mark on your community?

Are your interactions with potential customers something they will remember the next day...and still want to call you again?

Are you consistent with anything you say or do...possibly in building a brand...people will remember if they see it more than once.

Just remember, you have to be careful that as you leave your mark you are not stepping on someone else's toes. Who knows how the farmer feels about corn coming back for a second year!

That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?

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