After the recent deluge of rain that covered the northeast, I set out to capture the aftermath. I'm not one of those daredevils who will stand in the middle of a raging river to get the "perfect shot". I would much rather go back once the water has calmed and catch what remains - sometimes the photos of what is left behind are just as captivating. I thought that would be the case with this photo, but something else caught my attention. A few days prior to me visiting this creek water was flowing rapidly through the area. Once the rain stopped the levels subsided slightly but left behind debris and signs of overflow. I intended on capturing the trails of mud and branches piled along the water's edge, but instead became more intrigued by the ducks!
At first I was alarmed because it seemed like a fight was about to break out amongst these local fowl. Three of the ducks seemed to be attacking another one, trying to pin it to the ground. I felt bad for the "victim" - clearly it was not enjoying being tackled and having the feathers pulled out of its head! Upon closer look, though, I suddenly realized something...the duck being sandwiched on the ground appeared to be a female, while the other three most likely male. Hmmmm....it could be that time of year...I think rabbits usually mate in Spring, so it's probably a safe bet that a good number of other animals find the dawn of warm weather the perfect time to reproduce.
Suddenly I was amused, but still a little sympathetic toward the female. While I no longer felt bad because I thought the duck was being bullied, I felt sorry for her because she clearly did not enjoy what her male counterparts were attempting! I suppose I could have tried to save her, but really, who am I to stand in the way of nature? Instead, I quickly snapped my picture of the playful ducks - or rather the retreating creek - and went on my way! She looked like a tough duck...she could handle them.
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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