I happen to be entering the highway and this van, looking like a leftover from the 60's, went crawling past me. All I saw were the big letters on the back saying "Be Happy". The minute I saw this van I said, "I need a picture of that!" Had the driver not been going at least 10mph below the speed limit there is no way I would have been able to catch up to him. Once I saw this retro vehicle a smile immediately appeared on my face.
Prior to beginning my commute the day had been less than thrilling...all kinds of stress coming from all different directions. I tried finding some relief by listening to the radio, but had very little success; then the "Happy Van" passed me. Suddenly I forget about my prior stress and was totally focused on catching a closer look at what was plastered all over the sides of the van - and of course I had to sneak a peak at the driver, which turned out to be a man in his late sixties with a female passenger...both of whom could have lived through the love-fest of the 1960's. Once I was close enough I found, aside from "Be Happy" on the back, bright, florescent flowers accenting the sides. Part of my enjoyment came from the fact that one does not expect this type of vehicle to pass by on the highway. I love surprises and outrageous sites during the day and this certainly classifies as one.
Of course, there is always the obvious joy: when a stranger encourages you to be happy how can you really resist. For me, those simple words were a reminder that no matter what is going on happiness in not far off in the future. I started wondering if this couple spends their time traveling around spreading good cheer from their perch in an old VW Van.
What else could make someone decorate their car in such a colorful, enthusiastic manner?
Did they know how many smiles they added to the world and how many people they helped everyday?
Once the VW Van faded from sight in my rear-view mirror the stress slowly started to return, but fortunately not completely. I wish I was able to tell that couple how, for a few brief minutes on my way to a shoot, their silent encouragement lifted my spirits. Something so simple and unexpected, yet it helped change the course of my day...
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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