I was amazed to see so many different flowers that I have pulled out of my yard, especially since I considered them weeds. The tall white ones: they were a constant amongst the mulch years ago and never looked as nice in my yard as they did in the field. Then the little yellow flowers, which were a nice contrast to the white flowers and brightened everything up. Mixed in sporadically were little purple flowers, which seemed to fill in the low lying grass - and I have personally experienced how these pretty flowers attempt to take over a front yard.
So, as I stood admiring all of these "weeds" I couldn't help but laugh at the irony of the situation: when it comes to wild flowers, everyone does have a different opinion. I was reminded of someone I know who upon spotting colorful wild flowers in her yard lets them be. No matter whether they are growing up through the green grass or the edge of the sidewalk, each bunch of flowers are left to grow. When I spotted this, I was totally amazed and said, "What, are you crazy, these are weeds! Just get some spray and kill them before they take over your entire yard." She wouldn't hear anything of the sort; she felt they were pretty and wanted to see them flourish.
Much like the "treasures" I mentioned last week, that are sold at Flea Markets, the beauty of wild flowers changes depending on who is observing the field. What one person sees as magnificent another sees as weeds!
What have you encountered in life that, when removed from its natural setting loses a little of its sparkle?
Conversely, what, when going beyond your initial reaction, has offered unexpected beauty and satisfaction?
So, as the summer rolls along and I continue to pass fields of wild flowers I will be able to laugh at the thought that someone, somewhere may look out his or her front window and be thrilled by the site of colorful weeds!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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