I guess you could say this entry is a continuation of last week...from a different perspective. The "house" pictured last week was something I had never noticed before, even though it sits on a road I have traveled hundreds of times. This little "black bear" sits on the same road, yet is something I see every time and always enjoy a good laugh! Some might wonder what I find so funny about an address sign shaped like a black bear - let me explain.
This little sign sits proudly on an open field sloped down down toward the road. There is a driveway right next to the bear that presumably leads back to the "3330" residence, but it is mostly hidden by trees, thereby usually hard to see. Now comes the fun part - again, keep in mind that I have traveled this road many times.
As I approach this particular section of the road, the trees that shield the driveway also partially block the "black bear", keeping it hidden till I am less than a hundred yards away. When it does finally come into view, I usually only catch the "bear" from the corner of my eye. Instinctively, my first thought is always that some little critter is rushing toward the road and about to jump in front of my car. Then a second later I say to myself, "no idiot, that is just the same bear-shaped sign you always pass and it is no closer to the road than it was seven years ago when you first passed by "3330"!?!?! Every time this happens I get to enjoy one of those moments everyone needs from time to time: laughing at yourself. This sign is so simple but I always laugh because for a split second, while I start to ascend the hill at 45mph, I am fooled into thinking that a live critter is racing me up the street!
Aside from providing everyone a good laugh at my continued foolishness, I also wanted to share this picture because I think the "subject" is unique. I have never seen an address sign quite like the "black bear" and certainly not one that generates such an "alarmed" response. I love how there are certain objects, sites, or events in people's lives that never get old. No matter how often you experience certain things it always feels like the first time.
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?
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