Life moves very quickly! Sometimes so quickly we miss the tiny details that add meaning to the world around us. We are racing by at such a rapid pace that we don't truly pay attention to the story you heard over lunch or can't remember which old building was knocked down to make room for a new office tower. How about historical facts and sites? Have you or anyone you know ever stopped to read one of those historical markers located in nearly every city in the U.S.? Do you actually take the time to learn about the area in which you live or just not have the time to be bothered. Ironically, someone somewhere felt the information on those plaques was important enough to be immortalized in stone, slate, or steel yet no one really takes the time to stop. Recently I decided to make one of these stops and wound up being a little surprised.
I was driving by a local creek and off to the side of the road, mixed within the trees, was this metal plaque affixed to a cement pedestal. Having driven by this spot dozens of times without ever noticing the marker I was definitely curious. Did it mention something about the creek? Was there a reference to the old house across the street? I pulled my car over and walked back to take a look. Upon arriving I was slightly disappointed...the plaque did not provide any historical information, rather a list of names helping to revitalize and maintain the natural surroundings!
OK, so the first time I actually pull over to read a marker did not prove to be a huge success but I started thinking - maybe very few people read these historical markers not because they have a lack of interest in history but rather they honestly don't notice them. In an effort to blend with the local environment/habitat these markers may have gone too far and do not maintain any distinguishing feature. What if they weren't the traditional copper plaque on a cement pedestal...probably would catch your attention?
Promoting yourself or business should follow the same mindset: does the way you operate cause you to blend in with the surroundings or make people stop in their tracks? It's OK to be a little different from everyone else - in fact you might be better off!
Do you simply follow the norm or look for ways to try something new and daring?
Is the message you're sending out to potential client's memorable?
Are you getting lost in a sea of competitors?
Just remember to make it worth a person's while should they decide to listen - be sure to provide to them some valuable information. Even though my first attempt at following local history failed, I am always open to "second chances" and will try again next time I see one of these markers...make sure you don't end up hoping for a second chance!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?