You may be wondering how food can be art...let me explain.
Most people agree that a great meal is usually the product of starting with good ingredients but they don't always think beyond that point. If care is taken when selecting what goes into the recipe, shouldn't care be taken when putting everything together? Much like a piece of art, each step should be carefully considered and executed with precision. For example, when an artist paints a picture he/she must first prepare the canvas, and so too must the cook prepare his/her bread when preparing a sandwich. Once each condiment is spread on the bread, care should be taken to make sure every layer is added nicely, so its taste blends in perfectly with the others. There is usually an order to the ingredients, determined by its importance to the sandwich: is the ingredient considered a "base" or simply a "garnish". If you put the sandwich together incorrectly it could fall apart in your hands.
At the same time, just as artists spend years perfecting their craft, chefs spend years observing and assisting other chefs in an effort to develop an individual style. Once this style is implemented certain trademark dishes follow a chef wherever he/she works - and don't the patrons usually go too? How many times have you traveled out of the way to eat at a restaurant because you know the chef prepares your favorite dish in the most unique way?
Once the meal - or in this case sandwich - is prepared the chef should be very proud of what he/she created. The individual has usually worked hard to produce a "masterpiece" and would like to share it with whoever is around. The day I took this picture, the chef said to me, "Take a look at these...don't they look fantastic! This is something you should take a picture of." He had taken so much care in making each sandwich that, when they were finished baking, he couldn't help but call everyone over to take a look. When I actually pulled out my camera to snap a picture he started to laugh. I said, "No, I agree, they look awesome!"
Unfortunately, they were for someone else and I couldn't buy one!
That's the Golden Perspective...what's yours?